Look…I talk a lot about the state of the world we live in. But sometimes it’s just better to show you than to tell you.
Right. So now that we’ve got that out of the way, would you sue someone for $10,000 dollars if they stood you up on a date? Would you be non-adverse to financially castrating someone because they ghosted you? Granted, ghosting can take it’s toll. The question you’ve got to ask yourself is what kind of irreparable harm is done to you and your person if someone, say, just doesn’t show up. Perhaps if you’re skydiving for the first time, and your instructor fails to appear…maybe that’s worth 10 large. Perhaps you’re running security for a Marvel Q&A at a comic con, tasked with defenestrating the slobbering masses with havoc in their eyes and a thirsty need for spoilers/content for their crappy web sites/vlogs, and your partner doesn’t show up. Then maybe…you’ve got a case. Although I’ve never been trampled by slavering lunatics with a love of pop culture, I can imagine it’s painful, and somewhat degrading. Probably a lot of people stepping on your crotch repeatedly. Even a plastic, life size replica of both Storm Breaker & Mjolnir thrusted into the cullions would make any man or blonde, statuesque space god yearn for an early entry into Valhalla. Maybe after that, you can sue.
Dating and relationships are tough. They can make you upsetti, fill you with regretti, that no amount of spaghetti can cure. Take if from a true sociopath (like myself, *wink*)…It’s hard to get along with people sometimes.
Starter car. Finisher car. We all want one that works, right? When it doesn’t work, that’s when it get dicey. Dicey like an Ice Capades reboot in 2022. Dicey like going to see that bizarre Winnie the Pooh horror movie…(isn’t public domain something?) Dicey like…telling Andrew Dice Clay jokes in public. Hickory dickory dock…if you know, you know.
Everyone has to navigate the slippery slope of being in a relationship on their own. “That’s why they call it the jungle, sweetheart.” What a jungle it is. You may find yourself on the internet from time to time, and when there, discovering any number of websites, clickbait, etc. dedicated to relationship fails. This is 90% of Buzzfeed’s content. It sells. It’s sex. Of course it is…you thought signs that say live, laugh, and love was the subject of this conversation? Nope…it’s sex. I’m aware of how a half bathroom can really come together with a few rustic signs and plastic plants, but that’s beside the point here. Speaking of the point…check this chick out in court explaining why she deserves 10 grand from this dude who didn’t show up to a date. It smacks of hypocrisy and hilarity. I almost applaud this chick for her brazen-ness. As they say on the internet…she’s a 10, but she’ll sue you if you say you don’t want to go on a date.
TMZ first on the scene. Ha. So the question becomes which side do you fall on in this debate? I understand her grievances, about being in a fragile emotional state. Maybe she shouldn’t date if she’s in that precarious of a mental state.
If you’re looking for a great place for a first date, certainly not one to ditch out on…I recommend Food Truck Fridays here in Western Colorado. A little something for everyone.
But, alas…I digress. I’m not an expert. I’m no Blanche Devereaux, living the high, single life out of a cozy Floridian villa with 3 roomates. It’s like Indy always says…
Thanks for popping in for a quick read.