Ah, football. Pigskin. The gridiron. The sweet game of skull bashing, spin move pulling, spiraling deep throws, and more is almost back. Broncos training camp starts in a couple weeks, so you know we’ve already busted out the inappropriate foam fingers and the cheese dip. We’ve also busted out the Mile High Club for you, a great opportunity to go see some Broncos home games. Check that out at www.961kstr.com/mile-high-club for more.
But, if you’ve never been to a live football game, or any sporting event in person really, you should be suffering from an incredibly crippling case of FOMO, or fear of missing out, because you are. You’re missing out on the stadium shaking, cued up after a particularly athletic play, brought on not by seismic shifts, or engineering blunders (god forbid), but rather the unison of thousands of feet pounding concourses in the Mile High city, or wherever you may have seen a game. You’re missing out on the food, the drink, the banter…witty or otherwise. You’re missing out seeing the spectacle for yourself, the spectacle that is live sport…football being one of the best, of course.
You might say “but…what about the food prices?” or “the seats are always cramped” or yada, yada, yada…if you ask these questions, you’ll certainly find answers. But here’s a question for you. Don’t you wanna be there? There, as in when Peyton Manning breaks the NFL TD record, or when Von Miller gyrates those MVP hips, or maybe when Terrell Davis & Jon Elway hosted AFC championship games to get to and eventually win Super Bowls. Trust us, you won’t be saying “was sure glad I was watching that game at the house, by myself, with no one to eat any of this delicious brussel sprout dip I made after watching the Food Network too late into the evening.” Nobody says that..ever.
Tons of people, however, love reliving the moment they were “THERE”. I was there, man, I was there. The same goes for great live shows. It’s visceral, plus you may have an opportunity to heckle somebody who still wears a Jay Cutler jersey in person, and that’s not so bad either huh?